CTAs are always looking for opportunities to provide their firms additional exposure. Since IASG compiles data within our database, we thought it was relevant to provide CTAs with more marketing power when trying to reach their investing audience. Starting later this month, IASG will provide CTAs with access to a badge for ranking in the categories that meet their trading program. These categories include: discretionary, systematic, agriculture, Trend Following, Stock Index. The rankings badges will be provide monthly to the CTA for using on their email signature, embedding in their website, or within their marketing literature. Users of the IASG database will also get access to these badges on the CTA pages located in the right sidebar of the program page.
Once this phase rolls out, IASG will expand the array of badges offered to include 1 year, 3 year, 5 year and Sharpe Ratio rankings. This program is geared not only for marketing purposes for the CTAs, but also for CTAs to benchmark themselves against industry peers. To make this a more peer-to-peer system, we will also be categorizing the CTAs so smaller/emerging managers are ranked versus similar sized managers and of course larger managers will be ranked against their peers as well. We know and expect to hear all your feedback along the way during the launch of this program. We are excited and look forward to building this into a very tool beneficial for both investors and CTAs alike. We have more exciting features with the site that are also coming out in the next few months that will also be of particular interest….so stay tuned!