Commentary provided by Chad Burlet of Third Street AG Investments The line of dominoes known as supply chain disruptions finally reached the energy markets, causing coal, European natural gas, and crude oil prices to spike. West Texas Intermediate crude traded to new seven-year highs and crude oil futures ended the month up 11%. Those moves helped drive […]
Commentary by Ben Johnson of Sector Arc Advisors Below are areas we highlighted in our Outlook for 2021. “Going into 2021, we have optimism that the pandemic will subside in the first half of the year, opening up our economy, travel, and food service/restaurants. The meat packing industry will need to adjust again, moving away […]
Commentary by Dan Schindler of Schindler Capital A 3.48% gain during the month of September helped the Dairy Advantage Program improve to -10.47% YTD ROR at the end of Q3, compared to -13.96% at the end of Q2. And October has started with a bang, adding another 3.32% as of 10/14, bringing the YTD ROR […]
Commentary by AG Capital Management Partners, LP The Discretionary Global Macro Program generated a -4.1% return, net of fees, in September 2021, leaving YTD performance at -6.3%. An Asian Inflection … Newspaper headlines screamed that the ongoing collapse of Evergrande–China’s largest real estate developer with over $300 billion in debt–is the country’s “Lehman” moment. The […]
Commentary by John Knott of Numberline Capital Partners. The Numberline Macro Risk Program was down .35% net of all fees for the month of September and is up 25.09% year to date. Additionally, the program has returned 25.32% over the previous 12 months. These numbers are compiled by Turnkey Trading Partners. Last month we left off feeling a […]
Commentary provided by Chad Burlet of Third Street AG Investments Over the past several years the USDA’s September stocks report has earned the reputation of being one of the most volatile of the year, and this year’s report did not disappoint. November soybean futures had a 50 cent trading range in the 29-1/2 days leading up to […]
Commentary provided by Brent Belote of Cayler Capital My apologies for the delay in getting out month-end commentary, sometimes you are the hammer and sometimes you are the guy trying to launch a security token in the midst of institutional fundraising in the midst of a busy hurricane season (I think that’s how the saying […]
Commentary provided by Mark Adams of Warrington Asset Management The S&P 500 Index (“S&P”) continued its relentless advance throughout August in the face of ongoing global crosscurrents. The exponential spread of the Delta variant of Covid, the resurgence of Taliban control in Afghanistan, and the underreported troubles of China’s largest real estate developer (Evergrande), all provided […]
Equity markets continue to trend higher with yet another consecutive month of positive returns. Inflation fears seem to have subsided and the Fed is looking at tapering bond purchases which the market has already expressed. We seem to be at a crossroads as the global economy determines which direction we go. What will impact […]
Commentary provided by Chad Burlet of Third Street AG Investments Released: August 31st, 2021 In comparison to the three highly volatile months which preceded it, the price action in August was rather pedestrian. Corn, wheat and soybean futures all had monthly trading ranges below 12% and their net price changes for the month were 0 – 4%. […]
Commentary provided by Mark Adams of Warrington Asset Management The net return of the S&P 500 Index (“S&P”) for July once again masked a series of domestic and global undercurrents that had the potential to negatively impact the world economy. In the end, none of those contributors had the ability to derail the ongoing rally […]
Commentary provided by Todd Delay of Gamma Q Further consolidation occurred in July with range-bound trading for corn and soybeans. Wheat was the leader with deteriorating conditions across many areas, particularly the Northern Plains supporting price. The July WASDE report reduced wheat stocks by nearly 100 million bushels, and we feel further reductions need to […]
Commentary provided by Chad Burlet of Third Street AG Investments Released: August 1st, 2021 We came into July on the heels of a huge price rally caused by the USDA’s June 30th acreage report. Their estimates for corn and soybean plantings were both more than a million acres below the average of the analysts’ estimates. Those rallies […]