Category: Alternative Investment Strategy

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Alternative Investment Strategy

The Art of Money Management: Balancing Skill and Authenticity

Money management has been compared to art. There is a technical skill component to generating returns but there is also an artistic component with how information is weaved together to produce a successful portfolio. Money management can be like art because it may have uniqueness that transcends rules. You can have all of the rules, read all of the books on how to do it, and still not get the results that are expected. Now, we believe that artistic uncertainty can be minimized through good checklists, but we accept that for many, money management as art is real.

Alternative Investment Strategy

Hedge Funds

Hedge fund returns are a combination of alpha and beta risk exposure. The betas across different hedge fund styles are variable and dynamic. In general, beta will be below one, with most hedge funds showing market betas between .3 and .6. Some hedge fund styles, like managed futures, may be lower. Alpha can also be […]

Alternative Investment Strategy

Equity Hedge Funds Generate Strong Gains in September

DISCLAIMER: While an investment in managed futures can help enhance returns and reduce risk, it can also do the opposite and result in further losses in a portfolio. In addition, studies conducted on managed futures as a whole may not be indicative of the performance of any individual CTA. The results of studies conducted in the […]

Alternative Investment Strategy

Skew Risk, Volatility Risk, and Managed Futures

Some new research on risk parity makes provocative comments on the risk and potential value of managed futures in a portfolio. In one of our previous posts, we cited this recent work suggesting that accounting for skew can be helpful relative to a risk parity approach focused on volatility. See Messy markets, mixed distributions, and skew – […]

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Alternative Investment Strategy

Messy Markets, Mixed Distributions, and Skew – Thinking About Downside Risk

We often only think about markets in terms of risk and return where risk is measured by the standard deviation of returns. It is easy to calculate and update. Unfortunately, the changing nature of markets makes for messy calculations and analysis. Assuming a normal distribution is just too simple for measuring risk. Investors have to be aware of skew in return distributions. More specifically, investors have to account for negative skew because the unexpected extra downside risk is what really hurts portfolio returns.

Alternative Investment Strategy Managed Futures Education

The Importance of Limiting Losses in Absolute Return Strategies

Absolute return strategies aim to generate positive returns irrespective of market direction. A more accurate and appropriate definition is that absolute return, or active investment management, always seeks to minimize losses. We mentioned this as a core attribute of an absolute return strategy in “Why an Absolute Return Strategy,” but this simple concept is worth […]

Alternative Investment Strategy Commodity Trading Advisor Managed Futures Education

Building Wealth: The Power of Absolute Return Strategies

The first goal of investing is to increase wealth or, to put it differently, to increase purchasing power. Warren Buffet says, “Rule 1 of investing is never losing money. Rule number 2 is never forget rule number 1.” The hidden message in these seemingly obvious statements is that building wealth depends much more on preventing […]

Alternative Investment Strategy

IASG May 2015 Performance Results

We have reached the end of June 2015 and compiled nearly 100% of the manager data for May 2014.  With five months of performance on record, the IASG CTA Index has turned negative YTD (Past Performance not indicative of future results).  We anticipate this trend will hold for the remainder of the month as investors focus now […]

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Alternative Investment Strategy Managed Futures Education

Advantages & Disadvantages of Call Options for Hedgers & Speculators

Buying (Long) a Call Option: A basic option strategy to be familiar with and learn the advantages and disadvantages of is buying a Call Option (Long Call). Buying a call option is the opposite of buying a put option in that buying a call gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy the […]

Alternative Investment Strategy Commodities

Bulls Being Lured in With Dropping Rig Counts

CNBC is running out of credible, bullish analysts on the oil complex. The calls for $65+ WTI seem relatively sparse. Is anybody in their right mind still thinking crude oil is going higher? Of course. We all know Keynes’ saying, “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” But seriously, how much […]

Alternative Investment Strategy Managed Futures Education

Understanding the Long Put Option: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Trading Steps

Buying (Long) a Put Option:A basic options strategy to be familiar with and learn the advantages and disadvantages of is Buying a Put Option (Long Put). Buying a Put option is the opposite of buying a call option in that a Put gives you the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying futures contract at a specific […]

Alternative Investment Strategy

Oil DOE Preview: Saudi Royal Family Plays Games?

At 10:06 EST Tuesday, news broke from Dubai-based Al Arabiya that the Iranians had sieged a US cargo vessel in the Gulf. Brent and WTI spiked within minutes as the algos went wild. However, both markets failed to breach yesterday’s high. Within an hour, the market erased these gains as it turned out this was […]

Alternative Investment Strategy

Money Management & Contrary Opinion Trading

Contrary-opinion trading is perhaps the best solution to market madness and noise; it is a “thinking man’s” trading tool. A Contrarian is a person who takes an opposing view, especially one who rejects the majority opinion, as in economic matters. So, in a nutshell, if a CTA / Money Manager is trading as a contrarian, […]

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