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Risk Parity Shows Good Performance – Diversification Plus Volatility Weighting

The 60/40 stock/bond blends both domestic and international generated double-digit returns on strong equity performance. The majority of the risk came from the stock allocation which make them sensitive to any market reversal.


Sector Performance Shows More Year-End Dispersion in Returns – This Should Continue in 2018

A year-end performance review of styles, sectors, and country index ETFs shows the peaks and valleys for 2017 and what may be ahead in 2018. Overall, this was an especially good year for international investing and holding exposure in emerging markets. Large cap US which has strong international earnings also did well in 2017. Mid and small cap US underperformed during the year in spite of the resurgence in economic growth. The worst performing style was defensive dividend focused. Value underperformed growth by a wide margin.


Strong Upward Momentum in Metals with Down Moves in Bonds and Dollar – Good Potential for the Start of the Year

There were some trend surprises in markets near the end of the year; the upward price movement in both precious and base metals and the weather shock in the natural gas market and to a lesser extent oil product markets. The question for the beginning of the year is whether these trends will only be short-term in nature. Strong price spikes, especially weather related, are often reversed.

Advisor Commentary

Bull Market with Higher Risk – Looking into 2018

2017 will go down as one of the most remarkable years for the US Stock market on record. The Dow Jones closed with 71 record highs which is a record in itself. The Dow posted a record high almost every three days. The S&P 500 posted gains of 19.4% with near-record low volatility while enduring geopolitical tensions, massive natural disasters, political turmoil in Washington and a tightening of monetary policy. In fact, the market currently has the calmest price fluctuation in 50 years, with the S&P 500’s average (daily up-or-down moves) a mere 0.30%. As a comparison, this is over half the move last year and almost a sixth (1/6) of the average daily move in 2008. It’s the smallest absolute daily move average since 1965; we had to trace back to 1964 when S&P 500 average daily move went below 0.3%. (Figure 1).


60/40 Global Blend Tells a Similar Story to US – 2017 Was Exceptional – A Normal Year May be Closer to 1/2 of the Return

The 60/40 stock/bond combination generated an exceptional year for many investors. Although a 60/40 combination is a simplified version for the portfolio that many investors hold, it is a good representation of the general asset class mix without any accounting for alpha and manager selection. For international investors, we ran a similar 60/40 combination of the MSCI World and Citi WBIG index of world sovereign bonds.

Managed Futures

Managed Futures Up for Month and Positive for the Year Even in a Risk-On World

Much has been made about the value of managed futures during periods of market crisis, but there are also some other regularities that have been found for this strategy that can help with understanding performance.


A Dollar-Funding Problem? – Cross-Currency Basis Swaps Signal Temporary Dollar Shortage

Global macro traders look for outliers. The good ones have a disciplined approach to review and process lots of cross-market relationships looking for the few that may be out of place. These are the relationships that need capital and for those that can provide the funds, there is a reward.


Do You Really Want to Live With a 60/40 Allocation in 2018? – Follow the Numbers and You Will Likely Underperform

Numbers and statistics are a funny thing. They usually don’t lie and are not fake. You can misinterpret them, but numbers tell a story and it is the job of the investor to either accept the story or come up with an alternative.


This Investing is Easy! Everything Positive for 2017, But Unfortunately We are Starting a New Year

Many pension and endowments are going to post double-digit returns for 2017. Most have exceeded their actuarial expect return assumptions of 7%. Family offices and general investors have also posted good returns for the year.


Forget About Overvalued Equities – Forecast Survey Expects 6% – Optimism Still Exists

Perhaps the market analysts making 2018 forecasts for the S&P500 did not get the memo on valuation. The equity markets are overvalued by most any measure, yet the median forecast is still expecting a 6% total return in the year-end Bloomberg survey.


Add Mental Models for the New Year – Broadening Your Thinking Process Will Improve your Productivity

Most New Year’s resolutions focus on the physical, “I will exercise more, eat less.” A better resolution should focus on mental muscles like, “I will add some mental models to my thinking.” This may help better manage time and effort and allows you to undertaken tasks more efficiently.

Managed Futures

Slicing the Pie for Better Allocations Using Managed Futures

At the end of the year, investors will review their asset allocation decisions. Often investors will think about their pie chart exposures to different asset classes and strategies. Too often the focus is on asset class allocations and not enough on strategy differences. The problem with asset classes is that correlations may change significantly in a crisis with the usual problem being a movement to one. Diversification is not present when you need it.


Mean Reversion Is Not the Same as Contrary Thinking. A Big Confusion for Many Managers

Disagreeing with the consensus or trend is not always contrary thinking or mean-reversion thinking. It is sometimes being different for the sake of being different.

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