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Managed Futures Education

What are Carrying Charges and how do they influence hedging decisions?

In order to fully get the “error” in selling grain at harvest and then buying calls to replace that grain, so as to still participate in possible higher prices you need to understand how carrying charges work in the grain markets. The definition of “carrying charges” is: an expense or effective cost arising from unproductive […]

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Alternative Investment Strategy Managed Futures Education

Advantages & Disadvantages of Call Options for Hedgers & Speculators

Buying (Long) a Call Option: A basic option strategy to be familiar with and learn the advantages and disadvantages of is buying a Call Option (Long Call). Buying a call option is the opposite of buying a put option in that buying a call gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy the […]

Managed Futures Education

Understanding Risk-to-Reward Ratios in Trading: A Key Factor for Success

When you trade the markets, you don’t know the exact probability of winning or losing on a given trade. You won’t know how much you will profit or lose. A CTA does extensive historical testing on their concepts and trading strategies to understand what to expect. They will also pull huge data samples of market […]

Managed Futures Education

Protecting Yourself in a Locked Limit Market: Utilizing Synthetic Futures Positions

A futures or commodity market is a “locked limit” when trading is suspended due to prices moving the exchange-stipulated daily limit. This can happen for one day (it can even lock-limit and then trade-off), or if given a news event monumental, the market may stay “locked” for as many days as needed for market participants […]

Alternative Investment Strategy Commodities

Bulls Being Lured in With Dropping Rig Counts

CNBC is running out of credible, bullish analysts on the oil complex. The calls for $65+ WTI seem relatively sparse. Is anybody in their right mind still thinking crude oil is going higher? Of course. We all know Keynes’ saying, “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” But seriously, how much […]

Managed Futures Education

Measuring the Edge of Entry Signals in Trading

When a CTA or Money Manager is testing or back-testing their entry signals, one of the most important aspects they look at is if the technique’s they are using have a distinct “edge” for the time frame they are trading (short-term, swing, long-term, etc.). Positive price movement is when the market goes in the direction […]

Managed Futures Education

The 4 Biggest Errors in Trading a CTA Could Make

Success in trading is measured in terms of the growth of the account balance.  A CTA is not expected to play God and call every twist and turn in the market correctly at all times. As a matter of fact, some professional and proven CTA’s systems are only correct 25-30% of the time and they […]


Nat Gas: Summer Weather and Hurricane Season Begins

Written by:  Bryen Deutsch The time has come for natural gas traders to refocus on US weather outlooks.  June 1st marks the official start of hurricane season.  While we did see an early season storm on the Atlantic seaboard a few weeks ago, the bulk of cyclone activity occurs during the next 6 months.    The […]

Managed Futures Education

Six Keys To Trading A Commodity Trading Advisor Knows That You May Not…

Most professional CTA’s look and think about trading in a much different way than an average trader or investor would, and the reason for this is not hard to understand.  If a CTA is successful what it means to me is that they have dedicated their lives to the craft.  Every trader wants to be […]


Are You Interested in Becoming a Commodity Trading Advisor?

Services for CTAs Grow Your Business With Us You’re busy honing and perfecting your trades and strategies; you don’t have a lot of time for client acquisition or back office management. IASG can help. List your programs FREE on and you’ll be introducing yourself to thousands of potential new customers and partnering with an […]


Start of Something Bigger in the S&P 500?

S&P Index futures fell by 1.11% today currently trading at 2105.50 lower by 19.00 points for the session, hitting a fresh 7 day low.  The main talk amongst the trade were concerns about Greece and some positive economic data which again fueled expectations that a U.S. rate hike is coming sooner than later.  How many times […]


Don’t Be Fooled by Oil Bull Talk

Written by:  Bryen Deutsch The 200-day moving average is a widely held long-term trend indicator. Markets trading above the 200-day moving average have a tendency to be in longer term uptrends. Markets trading below the 200-day moving average tend to be in longer term downtrends. Last July, the US Dollar Index crossed above the 200 […]


Soybeans: Will the Free Fall Continue?

Soybean values traded lower across the board today, with July 15’ settling at 9.22 ½ off 1 ¾ cents (New contract lows). Corn also showed weakness today, closing down 5 cents at 3.55, with Wheat values plummeting 21 ¾ cents, closing at 4.93 ¼, pegging in a new seven-day low. Rains continue to fall, which […]

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