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Commodity Trading Advisor CTA Grains Managed Futures

IASG March CTA Indexes

Overall the IASG CTA Index was down 90 BPS for March with 71% of managers posting their returns a/o this posting. This was a particularly difficult month with the Volatility VIX index reducing dramatically in early March only to recover and spike quickly which presented an opportunity for the stock index and options CTAs. Agriculture was also an area of focus with grains primarily staying flat and end of month spiking after USDA reports indicated larger supply than was predicted along with unstable conditions in Ukraine causing corn prices to rally end of month. Finally Livestock prices achieved all time high prices as a virus continues to take its toll in decimating hogs. There were some managers that were able to exploit these markets and others who struggled. Trend Following continues to struggle in these market conditions with the first quarter showing a -1.25% loss.

Commodity Trading Advisor CTA Managed Futures

2100 Xenon is acquired by Manning & Napier

Manning & Napier, Inc. (NYSE:MN), (“Manning & Napier” or “the Company”) today announced that it will acquire the business and operations of 2100 Xenon Group, LLC, an alternative investment manager specializing in managed futures and global macro strategies for institutional and individual clients. The acquisition will enhance Manning & Napier’s alternative capabilities and provide increased product diversification to clients. The transaction is subject to certain regulatory approvals and is expected to close within the second quarter. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Commodity Trading Advisor CTA

Protec Energy Partners LLC – Q2 RBOB Gasoline Market Outlook

Market Overview: Gasoline Current demand has climbed to a robust 9 million bpd which is 3.2% higher than the three year average At 9.84 million barrels per day, soaring U.S. gasoline production is a whopping 10.6% higher than the three year average As of this report, the NYMEX spot gasoline price is at $2.99/gal which is 7.6% below […]

Commodity Trading Advisor CTA

Advantages of Separately Managed Accounts

Prudent investors like to know where their money is and how it is being used. They don’t want surprise announcements that the investment vehicle holding their money has lost 75% because of poor choices or because of a lack of management integrity.

Commodity Trading Advisor Managed Futures Education Resources

Observations On the Death of Trend Following

This paper addresses issues contributing to the underperformance of trend following programs during the investment environment of the past five years, a set of conditions that may continue for some time. As the “trend following” debate rages on, our ultimate concern pertaining to the current conundrum is whether trend following strategies are no longer profitable. While I review comments from a variety of leaders in the field, both data and comments focus more heavily on the CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) space than on that of other fund managers. Nevertheless, details are applicable to a variety of strategies. It is my hope that a broader perspective will encourage investors to ask more pragmatic questions, ultimately improving their manager selection process.

Alternative Investment Strategy

Scrooge: The Real Story

Most people know Ebenezer Scrooge as the cold-hearted, tight-fisted, “Bah, humbug!” guy from the Charles Dickens novel, A Christmas Carol. But was it really the “happiness of Christmas” that grated on Scrooge’s nerves, or was it something else that caused his foul disposition? Indeed, it wasn’t a lack of status that made Scrooge grumpy. He […]

Managed Futures Education Resources

Lintner Revisited: The Benefits of Managed Futures 25 Years Later

Dr. John Lintner, a Harvard Professor, presented the seminal paper entitled “The Potential Role of Managed Commodity – Financial Futures Accounts (and/or Funds) in Portfolios of Stocks and Bonds” at the annual conference of the Financial Analysts Federation in Toronto in May 1983. The findings of his work, namely that portfolios of equities and fixed income exhibit substantially less variance at every possible level of expected return when combined with managed futures, remain as true as ever more than 25 years later. In this brief paper, we attempt to update Professor Lintner’s work by demonstrating that the beneficial correlative properties of managed futures presented in his research persist today. We also reintroduce managed futures as a diverse collection of liquid, transparent hedge fund strategies that tend to perform well in environments that are often difficult for traditional and other alternative investments.

Managed Futures Managed Futures Education Resources

Choosing a CTA …

… or maybe more than one. If you’ve decided to include Managed Futures in your investment portfolio, the next step is choosing the right mix of Commodity Trading Advisors to help achieve your investment objectives. Just as managed futures help diversify an investment portfolio, different CTA programs can provide another layer of diversity within the […]

Managed Futures Education Resources

An Overview of Alternative Investments: REITs, Hedge Funds, Managed Futures, Private Equity, and Venture Capital

An alternative investment is a product other than traditional investments, such as stocks, bonds, or cash. Most alternative investment assets are held by institutional investors or accredited, high-net-worth individuals because of their complex nature, limited regulations, and relative lack of liquidity. Some of the more common alternative investment strategies are real estate investment trusts, hedge […]

Managed Futures Education Resources

Overlaying Strategies in Managed Futures: Does it Help an Investor?

I was recently interviewed for a few articles and the topic of overlaying strategies was discussed as a potential component of a managed futures portfolio. Realizing this topic is not discussed as much as it should be; it opens the door to a more in-depth understanding of managed futures. It is a topic I cover in my managed futures course at DePaul University.

Commodity Trading Advisor CTA Financial Risk Management Managed Futures Managed Futures Education Resources

Navigating Investment Choices in a Volatile Market

The stock market just hit an all time high and real estate values continue rising rapidly. Investors could not be happier. The day I refer to, of course, is October 9, 2007 when the S&P closed at its new record of 1565.15. What followed was a bull run in commodities culminating on July 11, 2008 when oil hit its high of $147.27 on dollar weakness and insatiable raw material demand from China. By January of 2009, oil dropped to almost $30 a barrel, the dollar was much stronger as seemingly everyone flocked to its perceived safety, and the worldwide economy would begin digging out slowly from the depths of the credit crisis. The S&P would drop below 700 points.

Economics Managed Futures Education Resources

All Eyes on the Fed

The world reacted very negatively on Thursday to the idea of a post-quantative easing economy. The oddest thing about the reaction to the Fed announcement was that not only did the stock market plummet but nearly all of the commodity markets fell just as aggressively despite the US Dollar strengthening. The big question now is whether or not the talk of tapering will effectively end the bull run of 2013, and where we go from here. With the market off the highs, sideways over the past few weeks, then sharply lower, it really is an interesting and difficult situation. The market showed us all how weak its legs really are.

Managed Futures Education Resources

Reality Check

Farmers will tell you that “rain makes grain.” That often holds unless the rain is accompanied by winter-like temperatures during the planting season in the key growing areas within the US. As of May 13, the USDA reports that 29% of the corn crop has been planted as opposed to 85% last year. For soybeans, […]

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