Asset Management by Windsor Securities

Non-Correlated All-Class Growth Strategy (MAC)

Minimum Investment
$ 500,000
Management Fee 0.00%
Performance Fee 25.00%


MFIP, Inc. is registered with the NFA and CFTC as a Commodity Trading Advisor and Commodity Pool Operator. Windsor Securities is a SEC-Registered Investment advisor which has managed client assets on a discretionary basis since 1973. MFIP, Inc., and Windsor Securities (together "WSI") are affiliated through common ownership and personnel. WSI uses proprietary mathematical models to discern the probability of broad-market short-term equity moves. Windsor invests assets through frequent re-allocation among index mutual funds. MFIP uses the same models, applied to equity index futures. Our objectives are increased Alpha and reduced Beta: superior capital growth uncorrelated with equity, bond, and CTA indexes; significant absolute returns in all market scenarios; and added-value diversification to portfolios with other assets.