C-View Limited

CTA / Program YTD Inception
0.00 4/1/2008
0.00 10/1/1996

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options, and foreign exchange (“forex”) is substantial.

CTA Introduction

C~View commenced trading in October 1996 with an initial Assets Under Management of less than US$10million. Since then C~View has delivered consistent superior risk adjusted returns and the investment process, management competences and assets have expanded substantially <br><br> Alongside experiencing significant growth, C-View has seen considerable changes in the Foreign Exchange market over time which have encompassed periods of considerable volatility and also benign calm. Our experience and the diversified approach employed has proved to be robust in delivering returns throughout these changing market circumstances. <br><br> The Company maintains a strong emphasis on research and has consistently added to the number of currencies and the range of strategies which it employs. This seeks to take advantage of both the progress of countries from developing to developed market status, with the attendant expansion of liquidity and opportunity in their currencies, and also increased sophistication in our own portfolio analytical process. <br><br> As part of this development in 2008 C-View added an Emerging and Minor Currency Program to the existing 3X Currency Managed Account Program. Most recently, C-view added its Stelrox Systematic Program in October 2014.
Portfolio Manager
Paul Chappell
Managed Forex Manager
Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)
FCA 181653
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland