DV Asset Management, LLC

Messor Agricultural Trading Program

Minimum Investment
Management Fee 2.00%
Performance Fee 20.00%


The Messor Agricultural Trading Program is a short to medium term discretionary opportunistic trading strategy utilizing exchange traded grain futures as its primary medium. The strategy attempts to profit by capturing assymetric relationships between current price, forward looking market expectations, and fundamentals. Additionally, the strategy will attempt to profit from short term market noise as prices move away from and towards fundamental fair value. The primary markets the program trades are Soybeans, Soybean Meal, Soybean Oil, Soybean Crush, Corn, and Wheat. Exchange traded inter and intra commodity future calendar spreads are primarily used. Outright futures and options on futures may be used periodically. Return statistics shown in this profile from inception to December 2013 are on a proprietary trading account traded by the portfolio managers of the Messor program. This account became a managed account of DV Asset Management, LLC effective January 2014. This is the only account that currently trades the Messor Agricultural Trading Program. This account is a proprietary account of an exchange member clearing firm, this account paid commissions and fees at a lower rate than would generally be available to public customers. If the account had paid commissions and fees at prevailing rates for public customers, the rate of return would have been slightly lower.