CTA / Program YTD Inception
4.82 1/1/1996
-31.28 3/1/2002
7.64 3/1/2002
9.51 10/1/2002

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options, and foreign exchange (“forex”) is substantial.

CTA Introduction

Currently FORT LP has two funds available: Fort Global Contrarian Fund and the Fort Global Diversified Fund. We are technical, systematic traders and we have three proprietary models that we use: a short term trading model (trades only equity index futures in Asia, Europe, and North America), a medium term (3 days- 3 weeks) contrarian model, and a longer term (1 month- 3 months) more traditional trend following model. The Fort Global Contrarian Fund consists solely of the medium term contrarian model, while the Fort Global Diversified fund is 45% the contrarian model, 45% the trend following model, and, as of 2009 when it was introduced, 10% the short term trading model. We only trade futures (equity index futures, bond futures, short term interest rate futures, currency futures, hydrocarbon futures, and precious metal futures) in Asia, Europe, the Commonwealth countries, and North America. All of the products that we trade are highly liquid as is our fund.
Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)
NFA 297637
United States of America