Futures Truth Company, FTC-CTA

CTA / Program YTD Inception
0.00 10/1/2007
0.00 10/1/2007
0.00 10/1/2007
0.00 12/1/2009
0.00 5/1/2014

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options, and foreign exchange (“forex”) is substantial.

CTA Introduction

At FTC, research has been the cornerstone of everything we’ve done for the last 25 years. It is our mission to develop technical trading strategies that deliver competitive returns for our clients with minimal risks. Diversification and a robust multiple strategy approach are the driving factors in our research platforms. We diversify our approach by utilizing diverse, non-correlated strategies that allow us to achieve the optimal combination of profits and risk control. Further diversification is delivered through differing strategies, portfolios and time frames. Our objective in our quantitative systems is to deliver non correlated returns to the S & P index and other CTAs. The foundation of our investment philosophy is to deliver outstanding returns regardless of the state of world economies. <br><br> John Hill Sr. is the CEO of FTC and has been involved in the futures industry for more than 40 years.He now concentrates on managing client assets after focusing on the development of a state of the art testing platform for technical trading strategies. During these years, Mr. Hill has researched thousands of trading systems utilizing a multitude of indicators across varied sectors and asset classes. He has authored several books on trading techniques including The Ultimate Trading Guide and Building Winning Trading Systems with TradeStation, and has been a featured speaker at conferences around the world.His research led to the FTC capital management philosophy.He believes that a multi-strategy approach is the best way to achieve capital appreciation and control risk in today's economic environment. George Pruitt, Director of Research for FTC, is a quantitative specialist in the area of technical trading strategies and was instrumental in the development of the FTC testing platform and software utilized for system research. He has co-authored several trading books and worked with John Hill Sr. for the last 15 years. <br><br> Holliston Hurd, the Managing Director in charge of new product development and Head of Marketing for FTC,managed a CTA with $200 million in assets during the late 1990s.She has been involved as a researcher and trader in the futures industry for more than 20 years.She and her market analysis has been featured in Futures Magazine, Fortune, on CNBC, and at multiple industry conferences.
Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)
NFA 0002381
United States of America