IFIT Advisory AG

Contrapuntal Fund SP

Minimum Investment
Management Fee 2.00%
Performance Fee 20.00%


The Fund pursues a rule based, directional, absolute return strategy. The Fund seeks above average long term growth, with low correlation to stocks and bonds but with a volatility and maximum drawdown potentially lower than traditional stand alone stock market investment. The Fund calls it strategy “Systematic Global Macro”.

The Global Macro hedge fund strategy can be defined as dynamic global asset allocation. Global Macro hedge fund managers have the ability to take positions in any instrument in any market throughout the world. Asset allocation is the most important determinant of profit in any portfolio and the ability to switch assets from one market to another means that the Fund should be well placed to reap profits from many different sectors as the potential arises. Generally, a Global Macro hedge fund will invest to take advantage of trends in broad economic sectors (such as currencies, bonds, or stock indices) and the Fund is no exception.

Diversification over many asset classes should enable the Fund to benefit from whatever sustained trends occur in each market segment. While it is undoubtedly true that correlation between asset classes (positive or negative) tends to strengthen in periods of crisis, in more normal times the benefit of wide diversification is that more opportunities will present themselves and profit can be sought in one or more upwardly trending asset classes at times when trends are not evident in other asset classes. In general, this can lead to a smoother and greater return on equity than investment in any single asset class such as stocks.

Investment Manager: Aspeqt Capital Management Ltd, George Town Grand Cayman.

Investment Advisor: IFIT Advisory AG, Voltastrasse 61, CH-8044, Zurich, Switzerland. IFIT Advisory AG is registered with VQF. This material is neither a solicitation nor an offer. The value of an investment may go down as well as up. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.