Malachi Capital Management

CTA / Program YTD Inception
0.00 4/1/2009
0.00 8/1/2011

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options, and foreign exchange (“forex”) is substantial.

CTA Introduction

Malachi Capital Management has been a registered CTA since August 2008. Two of its three principals were principals of NDX Capital Management (a CTA with approximately $80 million in assets in its hog trading programs at its peak) until April 2010. Alan Zenk is President and is responsible for overall management, marketing, trading oversight, and investor relations. Stanley Simpson is the Trader and Trading System Developer, and is responsible for formulating, testing, and executing the firm’s trading strategies. Lynette Schultz is Vice President and is responsible for overall administration, financial matters, accounting, operations and human resources. See information brochure for complete details.
Portfolio Manager
Alan Zenk
Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)
NFA 039654
United States of America