Minimum Investment
$ 250,000
Management Fee 2.00%
Performance Fee 20.00%


In today’s market conditions we find looking far ahead is asking for unnecessary risk. World economy news, natural disasters, and anything in between are impossible to predict and not worth the risk. Matic Progam predicts short-term movement in price. It aims to forecast gold and other precious metals on a daily basis. The program uses various linear and non-linear modeling of advanced regression analysis to show correct intraday direction. This method, coupled with precious metals daily volatility, has brought successful returns since programs inception on June 2010. Quantitative modeling allows us to structure our risk management with precision and not let outside sources in metals sector affect our trading. Instead we take advantage of the incoming volatility in price levels.

Matic's principal Mr. Milan Bhagat founded Matic in January of 2012 for the purpose of offering his proprietary trading strategies and methods to private investors. Mr. Bhagat became registered as an Associated Person and was approved as a Principal of Matic on May 7, 2012. Prior to entering into the investment business, from 2000 to 2002 Mr. Bhagat was employed at a computer software developer for Oringe Interactive, a Los Angeles-based multimedia company. After leaving Oringe Interactive, he established his own computer software development business. In early 2005, Mr. Bhagat began trading commodity futures with his own funds. In 2008, he began using his extensive knowledge of software development to design and build quantitative trading models to be used to trade in these markets. By 2010, he had developed a black-box computerized multi-strategy trading model with advance money management.