Melissinos Trading

CTA / Program YTD Inception
-16.34 1/1/2011

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options, and foreign exchange (“forex”) is substantial.

CTA Introduction

Melissinos Trading is a systematic futures investment manager that trades a diversified portfolio of financial and commodity futures markets with the objective of seeking above average long-term growth uncorrelated to stocks and bonds. It’s Eupatrid Commodity Program attempts to limit risk by trading a diversified group of markets known for their historical performance and customary liquidity as well as implementing disciplined risk management strategies. The Program limits the amount of equity committed to each trade and overall portfolio exposure is constantly reassessed. Melissinos Trading has been registered as a Commodity Trading Advisor with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and a member of the National Futures Association since November 2010.
Portfolio Manager
Michael Melissinos
Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)
Commodity Pool Operator (CPO)
NFA 0424935
United States of America