Schindler Capital Management, LLC

Institutional Dairy Advantage Program

Minimum Investment
$ 2,000,000
Management Fee 2.00%
Performance Fee 20.00%


The Advisor primarily uses fundamental analysis as opposed to using technical analysis to formulate his trading decisions. The Advisor intends to trade primarily Class III milk and other dairy futures. Fundamental analysis is the consideration of factors external to the market of a particular instrument. For example, weather, imports/exports, and political events that affect the supply and demand of that particular instrument, in order to predict future prices of that instrument. The Advisor focuses on factors that affect the supply and demand of a particular commodity which are examined in order to predict future prices for markets included in its Advantage trading programs. For example, some of the fundamental factors affecting the dairy and grain markets include milk production statistics, dairy cow slaughter numbers, cost of feed, crop production, yield statistics, planting intentions and weather. Fundamental factors affecting demand include commercial disappearance of dairy and grain end-products, dairy and grain exports, historic and seasonal patterns, and general U.S. and world economic conditions. In addition to USDA and NASS weekly and monthly reports, the Advisor has developed a network of individual dairy and grain farmers across the country, commercial cheese operations and traders that help him come up with his bias on the market.