Minimum Investment
Management Fee 2.00%
Performance Fee 20.00%


The SAT Grains Program is traded by Charles Wickens. The trading methods used by Mr. Wickens combine both fundamental and technical analysis with the ultimate determinations made on the basis of fundamental analysis. The Program trades in the agricultural markets. Mr. Wickens’ analysis also looks at certain technical factors, such as the price of a commodity in relation to its price during previous periods, open interest, and volume. These factors are generally used by Mr. Wickens to assist in determining when to liquidate positions. The trading philosophy is threefold: fundamental, technical and innate. “In the long run, the fundamentals of the grain markets ultimately win.” Mr. Wickens’ cash trading experience, coupled with the constant influx of fundamental contacts, allow him to stay close to the pulse of the market. Mr. Wickens constantly monitors both the short- and long-term technical picture, but he also tries to be aware of the intra-market technical opportunities. The third category of the trading philosophy is defined as innate. Consistent, successful trading is not just a chart point or a new fundamental development, but the ability to decipher all of the inputs and determine which is relevant to the market at this juncture. In summary, the most important attribute to longevity and profitability in today’s market is the ability to change. Change does not necessarily mean bullish or bearish, but, increasing or decreasing position size; whether to take profits or let them run; to trade or not to trade; an aggressive or a patient posture; an emerging market or the end of the trend; to name a few instances.