United States Index

CTA / Program YTD Inception
2.61 2/1/2007
2.22 1/1/1977
23.24 9/1/1982
11.38 10/1/1991
19.62 9/1/1987
18.21 11/1/1985
19.61 1/1/1977
10.81 1/1/1977
10.81 1/1/1985
15.93 2/1/2004
8.37 10/1/1987
17.61 1/1/1977
6.40 1/1/1995
58.61 9/1/2014
17.39 3/1/1977
18.24 1/1/1977
18.93 1/1/1977

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options, and foreign exchange (“forex”) is substantial.

United States of America