White Indian Trading Co.

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options, and foreign exchange (“forex”) is substantial.

CTA Introduction

White Indian Trading Company Limited is a Registered CTA with the NFA. It's main program, the STAIRS system, has a 5 year+ track record (Proprietary) and is an Intermediate Term Counter Trend program that trades the SP500 futures. The owner of White Indian, Robb Ross, is a professional programmer by trade and Education (Mathematics degree with a minor in Computer Science) and he has programmed and tested 1000's of trading methods over the last 25 years. This background, education, and love for trading are the foundation to his successful CTA.<br><br> PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS.
Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)
NFA 371719
United States of America