ZeminElli Capital Management, LLC

Diversified X (Proprietary)

Minimum Investment
$ 1,000,000
Management Fee 1.00%
Performance Fee 20.00%


ZeminElli Capital uses proprietary statistical models based on behavioral finance research to predict short and long term market moves. The ideas are generated using a disciplined and systematic methodology. While markets evolve continuously, we believe in the longevity of our models as they are based on basic human behavioral biases rather than analysis of individual market phases. We trade 65 different markets in the U.S., Europe and Asia, and are diversified across various market sectors - Equity Indices, Fixed Income Indices, Currencies, Energies, Metals, Grains, and Soft Commodities. All trading decisions and execution are conducted systematically and algorithmically. However, (in select circumstances) we may use discretion for risk management purposes. The objective of the program is to generate positive returns uncorrelated to traditional and alternative investments. The program targets 16% (X) or 32% (2X) annual standard deviation a year unless the managed account desires a different risk level.